There are tech trees for China and France, but they contain only one or two premium ships. Tech tree, A lot of ship classes unlock at level 2, including BBs and submarines, For what I have seen, CVs unlock at level 3. They are not the best of them, but they are there, and there are even tutorials for submarines and carriers. And, as subs have limited submersed time, you can track it with your sonar, follow it until it surfaces and make a number on it with your secondaries. Torpedoes from submarines are slower than TBs and DDs, so a BB has decent chances of avoiding them. In a BB, shoot your main guns, and then switch to the secondaries for a huge-sized St. Hardcore realistic fans will like that, while players with a more relaxed approach may hate it. Oh, that includes torpedoes and depth charges. In other things, though, it's a mixed bag: there are some things better than WoWs, things worse than WoWs, and things different enough to confuse you. Screw fancy graphics, I want to PLAY, not watch at the pretty shinies, specially if that comes with the price tag of waiting in frustration for the game to load everything. In SO I get to see the countdown, and start playing with the rest of the team. I'm lucky if I start playing thirty seconds AFTER the finish of the countdown, and one or two minutes is more common.

Those of you with SATA or SSD disks don't realize how long it can take to load the pre-battle data of WoWs, to the point I call it "World of Wait". Just for one thing: it loads ina reasonable time in my ancient EIDE drive.